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Haley Carbajal 

Starseed Coach and Mentor

Overcome Fear, Stagnation, And Lack Of Direction In Your Life To Vibrationally Align With Your Soul's Purpose

without therapy, affirmations, or another Law Of Attraction "hack" 

Receive Consistent Consciousness Upgrades And Healings 

Starseed Mentorship, Healing, and Coaching for LESS than a Netflix Subscription.

New Earth. Ascension. E.T.s. Manifestation. Self-Healing. Purpose. 

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Learn how to effectively do the inner work with the most amount of efficiency and grace, even if you have burnt out from the inner work before. 


Uncover why you have become stagnant with your dreams without self-disappointment or shame.


How to authentically recommit to your Soul's Purpose without fear.


How to confidently sustain alignment while working towards growth and expansion. 


How to manifest without using the outdated Law Of Attraction strategy, even if you have never been successful with manifestation before

This is about getting measurable results. 

Multidimensional Life and Energy are the foundations of what is taught here. 

No Conventional Wisdom. 

Full Authentic Spirituality. 

Tangible Spiritual Growth. 

Client Successes

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About Haley 

Starseed Mentor And Coach 

Haley helps Starseeds overcome fear, stagnation, and lack of direction on their soul's journey, to become vibrationally aligned with their Soul’s Mission and Purpose.


By connecting to the highest sources of light and consciousness, Haley fully realizes her gift as a multidimensional communicator, medium, and seer allowing her to understand the human consciousness and how the vibrations within one's consciousness speaks to the universe.


She perceives the psychological patterns and behaviors of an individual and receives channeled information about the source from which it stems, as well as how to shift it.

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Connect With Your Star Family 

Connect to other purpose-driven Starseeds who are here to share their gifts, skills, and abilities with humanity. 

Together we are stronger. 

Together we ascend.

Together we transcend all.   

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Read Haley's Feature in Millennium Magazine 

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Disintegrating Sphere
Starry Sky

Work with Haley 1:1 

Haley offers a 1:1 session subscription-based package. This is the deep dive required to see substantial, long-lasting changes in your life. 


However, this offer is not extended to everyone. 


You MUST have these three traits in order for this to work: 

1. Purpose Driven - Your higher calling MUST be the driving force of this next chapter of your life, even if you don't have clarity as to what that is yet.

2. Coachable - You must be done chasing your tail with outdated strategies or trying to figure it out on your own and show up with an open mind and empty cup. 

3. Resourceful - There is always an excuse, always a challenge; time. money, family, or health. But to the successful few, who make their higher calling happen, no challenge prevents them from deciding to change their life. 

If you would like to learn more, schedule yourself for a Starlight Call.

A Starlight Call is a 30-minute conversation to take a look at what is working, what isn't, and where you want to go. This conversation is to see if it is a fit for both of us. 

Terms and Conditions 

By Booking an appointment with Haley you agree to the Terms and Conditions Below:
We reserve the right to limit or deny service.

Sessions with Haley are considered digital goods/services and there are no refunds or exchanges of any kind. Client forfeits payment to Haley Carbajal for sessions purchased and not scheduled within 90 days. This pertains to clients whom purchase a session but do not attempt to schedule an appointment. When you a book a session with Haley we cannot guarantee that a specific healing will come through. Readings are requests to the “Other Side” and are considered “Experiments”. Haley is not able to pick and choose what souls, messages, or healings come through.

Your healing, coaching, or mentorship phone reading or remote healing is subject to your own personal interpretation and the guidance given is intended to be for entertainment purposes only.


Your session is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice and you should always seek the appropriate professional advice. Clients must be 18 years of age or older to book, receive and/or purchase a session, product or service. Anyone Under age of 18 will need formal notarized letter by Parent or Gradian and sent to Haley via email before first session can occur.

Haley Carbajal and Five Steps To Alignment will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this website or as a result of any service or appointment with Haley Carbajal, or any persons or events related thereto, and/or any actions or decisions that you may make as a result, including without limitation, actual, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from any claims resulting from any act or omission, negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or otherwise, including without limitation, personal injury, death, loss of income, stress (emotional or otherwise), errors or omissions, or otherwise


Before commencing my mentorship, coaching, or healing sessions, I have considered all of the above, and I agree to hold Haley Carbajal and Five Steps To Alignment free and hold harmless and hereby release and remise Haley Carbajal and Five Steps To Alignment from any claims, demands, suits for damages, for injury or complications whatever and/or negligence that may result from any product or service. 

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